Puzhen Life 的 YUN 香薰擴散器能有效幫助你的頭腦,身體和心靈感官取得平衡,輕柔的擴散功能,淨化空氣,並營造出一種輕鬆和清爽的氛圍。內置紓緩壓力和平靜心靈的音樂,亦可連接到外部 MP3 播放器或智能手機。而 LED 的柔光在寧靜的環境下亦增添平和。操作方便的遙控器和擴香器底坐,以優質楓木手工製作,擴香器上半部配置手工吹制的玻璃,整個設計來自遠古的陰陽概念以及一種古老中國樂器的啟發,結合現代科技而成為一個精緻和諧的藝術品。
■ 產品細節
品名 : YUN
外形尺寸:8.66 x 8.66 x 6.69“ (220 x 220 x170 mm)
重量:7.7000 LBS
覆蓋面積:431 平方呎 (40 平方米)
操作模式:強烈香氣 (自動關機時間:1小時) /中等香氣 (自動關機時間:2小時) / 溫和香氣 (自動關機時間:3小時)
過濾及殺菌:負離子 (Anion)、溶菌酶過濾器 (Lysozyme filter)、維他命 C 濾波器 (Vitamin C filter)
LED 顏色:藍色/紫色/白色 (沿光音樂變化)
遙控器操作範圍:紅外線遙控 (26呎 / 8 米)
音響:12分鐘音樂 (立體聲)
音響放大器:可連接至 MP3,MP4,CD,VCD,DVD 播放器
儲水量:250 +/-10 ml
電源輸入:DC 24V 15W
電源變壓器:AC/DC 變壓器 100〜240V 50 / 60Hz
YUN 香薰機 Aroma Diffuser
- Description Specification Review
Puzhen Life’s Yun aroma diffuser helps balance mind, body, and soul by engaging all faculties. Gently diffusing aromatherapy essential oil, Yun purifies the air, creating a relaxing and refreshing ambiance. Yun plays built-in soothing Chinese music, and can also connect to an external MP3 player or iPhone. Soft LED colors contribute to the serene atmosphere, calming stress and creating moments of peace. A remote control makes Yun easy to operate. With a handcrafted maple wood base and hand-blown glass top, Yun’s design recalls the concept of yin and yang. Its unique shape is inspired by an ancient Chinese musical instrument. An aroma diffuser that is also an exquisite piece of art, Yun helps you find harmony.
■ Specification
Dimensions : 8.66 x 8.66 x 6.69" (220 x 220 x 170 mm)
Material of body : Natural Maple Wood
Weight in Lbs.: 7.7000
Coverage Area : 431 sq ft (40 sq m)
Operating Modes : Strong aroma (auto shutdown time: 1 hour)/ Moderate aroma (auto shutdown time: 2 hours)/ Gentle aroma (auto shutdown time: 3hours)
Filtration & Sterilization : Anion, Lysozyme filter, Vitamin C filter
LED Color : Blue / Purple / White (music changes along the light)
Remote Control (range) : Infrared remote control (26 ft / 8 m)
Sound : 12 minutes music (two-tracks)
Amplifier : Connectable to MP3, MP4, CD, VCD, DVD players
Water Reservoir Capacity : 250 +/- 10ml
Power Input : DC 24V 15W
Adapter : AC/DC Adapter 100~240V 50/60Hz